How can I upload an externally finalized safe?


Our safe financing products make it easy to issue safes to investors, whether you’re looking to issue safes with valuation caps, discounts, or both.

In some rare cases, investors may get confused and accidentally hand-sign the safe, or else have an internal policy against electronic signatures. If this happens, you can finalize the safe off of Clerky and upload it afterwards.


The steps to upload an externally finalized safe differ slightly depending on whether you have a safe financing in progress on Clerky or are starting a new safe financing.

Existing Safe Financings

Click Teams in the main navigation bar.
Arrow pointing to Teams in the main navigation bar
Select the team you want to upload the externally finalized safe for.
Pop up menu showing available teams to select
Click Overview in the sub-navigation bar to open the team overview page.
Arrow pointing to Overview in the sub navigation bar
Click + Investor.
Team overview page with an arrow pointing to the option to click + Investor
Select Safes.
Pop up menu with the option to select safes rather than convertible notes
Continue to the Issue Safes step.
Screen showing the safe financing checklist page, with an arrow pointing to the section where you can issue safes
Click the More (···) menu and select Upload Externally Finalized Safe.
The dropdown More menu is selected with the option to scroll down and select Upload Externally Finalized Safe
Select the variant of safe that was issued.
Pop up menu with options to select the variant of safe that was issued
Fill out the required information about the safe and upload the externally finalized safe under Completed Paperwork. Then click Record Safe Issuance.
Screen showing spaces to fill out information about the safe and upload it before clicking Record Safe Issuance

New Safe Financings

Click Teams in the main navigation bar.
Arrow pointing to Teams in the main navigation bar
Select the team you want to upload the externally finalized safe for.
Pop up menu showing available teams to select
Click Overview in the sub-navigation bar to open the team overview page.
Arrow pointing to Overview in the sub navigation bar
Click Add One.
Screen showing the Overview page with an arrow pointing to Add One under No Seed Financings Found
Select Safes.
Pop up menu with the option to select safes rather than convertible notes
If your company has issued a safe outside of Clerky but doesn't have a safe financing in progress on Clerky, your company likely finalized a board consent approving the safe financing outside of Clerky as well. You can upload an externally finalized board consent by selecting Upload Externally Finalized Board Consent from the More (···) menu for the Board Consent step.
Screen showing the safe financing checklist page, with the More menu selected and the option to scroll down and select Upload Externally Finalized Board Consent
Click the More (···) menu in the Issue Safes step and select Upload Externally Finalized Safe.
Screen showing the safe financing checklist page with the More menu in the Issue Safes section selected and the option to scroll down and select Upload Externally Finalized Safe
Select the variant of safe that was issued.
Pop up menu with options to select the variant of safe that was issued
Fill out the required information about the safe and upload the externally finalized safe under Completed Paperwork. Then click Record Safe Issuance.
Screen showing spaces to fill out information about the safe and upload it before clicking Record Safe Issuance


On the team overview page, you can verify that your externally finalized safe has been uploaded by viewing the Amount Raised section.

Overview page with an arrow pointing to the Amount Raised section which has recorded the amount of the externally finalized safe

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