How do I start a seed financing?


If you're raising money from seed investors, you can use our Fundraising products to issue safes or convertible notes. To get started:


Click on Teams in the main navigation menu:

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Select your team:

Select Your Team

Click Overview in the sub-navigation menu for your team:

Overview link in team sub-navigation bar

Find the seed financing section to get started:

Seed Financing section

Board Approval

To help avoid the risk of issuing safes or convertible notes without board approval, we recommend following the steps above. If you do, you will be prompted to complete a board consent authorizing the new seed financing, prior to issuing any safes or convertible notes.

It is possible to start document sets for safes or convertible notes through other means. If you do that, please ensure you complete a board consent authorizing the seed financing first.

Securities Regulation Compliance

Our Fundraising products are designed for use in private offerings to accredited investors. If your situation is different, you'll need to work with your startup attorney to determine how to proceed.

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