When are documents dated?

There are 3 ways a date can be set in a document, depending on how the product is configured:

  1. The date can be included in the underlying form language
  2. The date can be entered as text for a manual entry field
  3. The date can be automatically filled in by our document generation software

When the date is automatically filled in by our software, the date can be tied to either a signature, a document, or the document set. If the automatic date is tied to a signature, then it will simply be the date the signature is provided. If the automatic date is tied to a document, then it will be the date that all the signatures for the document have been provided. If the automatic date is tied to the document set, then it will be the date that the document set is finalized.

For a document set to finalize, all parties must have provided their signatures, and if applicable, released their signatures.


Manipulating automatically generated dates can potentially create legal problems. If you need to do this, you can work with your startup attorney to finalize the paperwork outside of Clerky.

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